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Little Dolphins Music & Movement Class (0-3 years)

Dancing and singing together has been linked to building close bonds, which is so important as a family. Join us in our weekly Little Dolphins Music & Movement Classes where you'll engage with your child singing songs, reciting nursery rhymes, doing hand clapping and follow-the-leader games, and dancing! This fun and engaging time together will create wonderful traditions and memories that will last a lifetime. 

We'll meet in our North Park Campus's Large Motor Skill Room from 9-10 am on Thursdays. The first part of each class will be focused on music and movement, and the second part will be dedicated to free play and other fun group activities.

Kids as young as 3 months will enjoy bouncing on mom's lap or dancing around in dad's arms! Nannies and Grannies are also welcome to accompany our Little Dolphin friends. Babies will learn a lot about the world around them, enhancing their cognitive, linguistic and emotional well-being. Our toddler friends will be gaining many skills that will be helpful in preparation to attend a drop-off preschool program soon. 



We'll meet on most Thursdays when school is in.  We have broken the year into 5 sessions for flexibility for parents. The full calendar for all 5 sessions is below:
Session 1:  November 7, November 14, November 21, December 5, and December 12
Session 2:  January 9, January 16, January 23, January 30, and February 6
Session 3: February 13, February 20, February 27, March 6, and  March 13
Session 4: March 27, April 3, April 10, April 17, and  April 24
Session 5: May 1, May 8, May 15, May 22, and May 29

You may register and pay for each 5-week sessions at $100 per session (breaks down to $20 per class). Or, you may choose which individual classes you can attend and register and pay by class. The price for drop-ins is $25 per class. 

We do ask that our drop-in families please RSVP ahead of time so we can appropriately plan and prepare the room. 



                                       Little Dolphins RegistrationLittle Dolphins 1-class paymentLittle Dolphins 5-class payment