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Visit ICSJ


One of the best ways to learn more about ICSJ School is to visit us in person and experience a day in the life of a Dolphin. Small Group Tours are scheduled throughout the school year and summer and, additionally, we are happy to arrange a personal tour if you can't make a scheduled group tour.

Join us for 9:30 Mass on Sunday, February 9 and stay for a tour of our school!  Our early childhood rooms (PreK, JK and Kindergarten) will be open with our school leaders and some of our teachers on hand to answer all your questions.  We'd love to see you, whether you come for Mass first, or you come at 10:30!  

EC Open House Post
Admissions event registration

Group tours are a great way to see the school in action and get to know our some of our school leaders, teachers, and current ICSJ parents, giving you additional points of perspective.

Group tours begin at our North Park Campus (1431 N. North Park) and then, with those able to continue on, we will proceed to our 4th - 8th grade campus at 363 West Hill Street directly after. The Hill Street Campus is a short 4-5 minutes drive. In total, these tours take 65-75 minutes. To tour only the North Park Campus during a group tour would normally take 45-60 minutes.
We will be hosting monthly admissions coffees throughout the fall and spring. If none of these dates work for you, we are happy to set up a private tour during the school day to see our teachers and staff in action with our students. A personal tour of one campus takes about an hour and would also be scheduled during the school day. You may also schedule to see both campuses on the same day, adding about 30 minutes to your total tour time.


  • Tuesday, February 25 at 8:30 am
  • Thursday, March 6 at 8:30 am
  • Friday, April 4 at 8:30 am

Another great way to see our school in action is to join us for a Little Dolphins Music and Movement Class! Children 0-4 years old, along with their caregivers, are invited sing, dance and play during our Thursday morning classes.  Guitar-led songs and games, with dancing, free play, and other fun activities will keep our little friends engaged and learning! Find more information and registration info on our LITTLE DOLPHINS PAGE.
Contact Jodi Thyen, the ICSJ Marketing and Admissions Director, with any questions at [email protected].